What are private markets?

While investing has traditionally been dominated by publicly traded securities such as stocks and bonds, the growing prominence of private markets has broadened the conversation. But what exactly are private market investments, and why do investors turn to them?

How investors define private markets

Private markets allow buyers and sellers to trade assets through direct negotiation with one another rather than through an intermediary, such as a public securities exchange. Anyone who has bought or sold, say, a business or a home knows something about trading a private asset. Investing in private markets can fall into one of two broad categories:

1 Investing in companies, by providing equity or debt financing to private businesses unable or unwilling to access capital through stock or bond markets

2 Investing in things, known as real assets, such as office towers, toll roads, and farmland

The key feature of private markets is lack of liquidity, which presents return measurement and valuation challenges. With those challenges come opportunities for long-term investors. Here we list common questions and our answers about private markets.

1 What’s the difference between investing in public markets and investing in private markets?

Liquidity is the dominant differentiator between public markets and private markets. While public markets are highly liquid, private markets have liquidity constraints. Liquidity refers to how quickly an investor can convert an asset into cash while maintaining its value. An asset that can change hands quickly and easily can be described as liquid. One that takes longer to sell is considered less liquid—illiquid.

To buy or sell stock in a public company, an investor needs little more than an online brokerage account, a Wi-Fi connection, and a few minutes; trade execution is relatively efficient and transparent. By contrast, investing in a private asset requires finding an interested counterparty, negotiating mutually agreeable terms, engaging legal counsel to draft contracts, and many other steps that require planning, effort, and expenses; moreover, private investments can’t be valued reliably until they’re sold.

Private markets tend to offer higher expected returns, related in part to an illiquidity premium, to compensate investors for committing to longer holding periods. Large institutional investors, such as pension plans and insurance companies, can use illiquidity to their advantage by diversifying their portfolios with private assets that match their extended investment horizons and their return targets.

Liquidity isn’t the only distinguishing characteristic. Private markets also offer investors greater breadth of opportunity and alpha sources. While there are thousands of publicly traded companies globally, there are millions of private firms across the world. Private asset strategies have also demonstrated a wider range of return dispersion than those investing in public markets.

Where assets generally sit on the liquidity spectrum

This graphic indicates the liquidity of a range of public and private markets asset classes beginning with the most liquid, cash, and ending with the least liquid, a private business without control.

Source: Stern School of Business at NYU (A. Damodaran), Manulife Investment Management, 2022.

2 What are the different types of private assets?

Investments in private markets—ranging from distressed debt to fine art—can be as different from one another as they are from more traditional holdings. The following private markets categories cover investing in companies and investing in things.

Private equity investments

Investors in private equity pursue capital appreciation by taking ownership positions in unlisted companies. While fundamental to entrepreneurs who own their own businesses, private equity is also accessible to outside investors through primary funds or direct investments.

  • Innovations within a growing secondaries market for private equity are also opening broader areas of access to the asset class.
  • Private equity includes minority positions in early-stage venture capital and control buyouts of mature companies.
  • Investors seek to accelerate the growth of the business before an initial public offering, acquisition by a competitor, or sale to another financial buyer.

Real estate investments

Investors in commercial real estate can seek a wide range of risk/return objectives. Real estate investments include apartments, hotels, office towers, industrial parks, and retail properties. In addition to structures and the land, an investment can include air rights above the land and ground rights below the land.

  • Driven by contractual rent payments, core and core-plus strategies tend to invest in fully operational and occupied properties.
  • Value-add strategies seek higher returns by purchasing properties with an intent to improve them before selling.
  • Opportunistic strategies can hold more speculative or even distressed and unoccupied properties with greater capital appreciation potential.

Infrastructure investments

Infrastructure assets—such as electric and water networks; power-generation plants; highways, railroads, and airports; and telecommunication towers—provide essential services related to the safeguarding and movement of people, goods, energy, food, and data. 

  • Infrastructure investors can benefit from limited competition and stable consumer demand throughout the business cycle.
  • Stable long-term contracted cash flows or regulated real rates of return underpin income generation for infrastructure investors.
  • Infrastructure assets can demonstrate a greater degree of insulation against macro risks, such as an economic recession or unexpected inflation.

Agriculture investments

Investing in agriculture involves managing physical assets such as farmland, including irrigation systems and grain storage, and for orchards and vineyards, trees and vines.

  • Crops are planted, managed sustainably, harvested, and sold in food markets.
  • Vertical integration—also known as farmland plus, or core-plus, agriculture investing—can reduce volatility relative to crop-only investment and help control third-party processing costs while enhancing crop marketing.
  • Agriculture investments can help boost risk-adjusted total returns, generate income, preserve capital investment, realize long-term appreciation, and have a long history of generating strong financial results and low correlations with other asset classes.

Private assets have delivered attractive risk-adjusted returns

Realized annual return and standard deviation (1997–2021)

This scatterplot chart shows realized annual returns (y-axis) and standard deviations (x-axis) between 1997 and 2021 for a range of public and private markets asset classes; most private markets assets shown are clustered in or around the upper left-hand quadrant.

Source: Macrobond, Manulife Investment Management, December 31, 2021. See endnotes for the list of asset class proxies.¹

3 Why do investors turn to private markets?

Investors allocate to private markets to pursue higher expected returns, to reduce price volatility, and to keep pace with current best practices in portfolio diversification.

To pursue higher expected returns

While stocks have generated substantial wealth for investors over time, private assets can benefit from potential sources of returns unavailable in public markets. Since investments in private markets are relatively difficult to price and trade, they’re more likely to generate excess returns to reward investors for assuming additional complexity.

To reduce portfolio volatility

Stock and bond prices are marked to market, changing in real time as investor sentiment shifts. Many private assets, by contrast, are appraised quarterly; as a result, allocating to private markets can have a smoothing effect on a portfolio, lessening its price volatility as market action fluctuates from day to day.

To keep pace with best practices in diversification

Investors also allocate to private markets to stay current when it comes to portfolio diversification. Holdings that are viewed as safe in isolation, such as government bonds and preferred stock, dominated institutional investment portfolios as recently as a century ago. While corporate bonds and common stocks were widely regarded as too risky at that time, they were later embraced as diversifiers, becoming portfolio staples over subsequent decades. Along with our economy, investing norms and best practices are continuing to evolve to this day. Demonstrating lower correlations with public markets, private assets can help investors stay on the cutting edge of portfolio diversification.

Investing norms and best practices evolve over time

Period Popular institutional-quality assets over time  
1890–1920  Government debt, real estate, mortgages, preferred stock  
1920–1950 Add high-quality corporate bonds, domestic equities, agricultural debt  
1950–1980 Add average-quality corporate bonds, international equities  
1980–present Add high-yield debt, small stocks, structured products, private equity, hedge funds, real assets  
Source: CAIA Association, 2018.

What’s next for private markets?

The benefits of investing in private assets have historically accrued only to the largest and wealthiest investors; however, access to private markets has been expanding in recent years through new fund structures with lower investment minimums, some of which allocate to multiple asset classes, with a goal of delivering clients diversification and liquidity management in a single allocation. Other private markets strategies are designed to help investors meet specific needs, such as inflation hedging, downside protection, or income generation. Structural innovations in asset management, along with growing regulatory support and a greater need for more attractive risk-adjusted return prospects, suggest there’s room for private assets in a growing number of portfolios. We expect the years ahead will bring more investors into private markets capabilities that can complement and diversify their portfolios beyond bonds and stocks.




1 U.S. timberland is represented by the NCREIF Timberland Index. U.S. farmland is represented by the NCREIF Farmland Index. U.S. Commercial Real Estate is represented by the NCREIF Property Index. U.S. small-cap equities are represented by the Ibbotson series IA SBBI U.S. Small Stock TR USD Index. Non-U.S. equities are represented by the MSCI EAFE Index. U.S. long-term corporate bonds are represented by the Ibbotson series IA SBBI U.S. LT Corp TR USD Index. U.S. Treasury bills are represented by the Ibbotson series IA SBBI U.S. 30 Day Tbill TR USD Index. Commodities are represented by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. large-cap equities are represented by the S&P 500 Index. Private debt and infrastructure are both represented by the Burgiss Indexes. Public forest products are represented by the S&P Composite 1500 Paper and Forest Products Index. Private equity is represented by the Cambridge Associates Private Equity Index as of September 30, 2021 (all other data as of December 31, 2021). It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Past performance does not guarantee future results.

A widespread health crisis such as a global pandemic could cause substantial market volatility, exchange-trading suspensions and closures, and affect portfolio performance. For example, the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has resulted in significant disruptions to global business activity. The impact of a health crisis and other epidemics and pandemics that may arise in the future could affect the global economy in ways that cannot necessarily be foreseen at the present time. A health crisis may exacerbate other preexisting political, social, and economic risks. Any such impact could adversely affect the portfolio’s performance, resulting in losses to your investment.

Investing involves risks, including the potential loss of principal. Financial markets are volatile and can fluctuate significantly in response to company, industry, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments. These risks are magnified for investments made in emerging markets. Currency risk is the risk that fluctuations in exchange rates may adversely affect the value of a portfolio’s investments.

The information provided does not take into account the suitability, investment objectives, financial situation, or particular needs of any specific person. You should consider the suitability of any type of investment for your circumstances and, if necessary, seek professional advice.

This material is intended for the exclusive use of recipients in jurisdictions who are allowed to receive the material under their applicable law. The opinions expressed are those of the author(s) and are subject to change without notice. Our investment teams may hold different views and make different investment decisions. These opinions may not necessarily reflect the views of Manulife Investment Management or its affiliates. The information and/or analysis contained in this material has been compiled or arrived at from sources believed to be reliable, but Manulife Investment Management does not make any representation as to their accuracy, correctness, usefulness, or completeness and does not accept liability for any loss arising from the use of the information and/or analysis contained. The information in this material may contain projections or other forward-looking statements regarding future events, targets, management discipline, or other expectations, and is only current as of the date indicated. The information in this document, including statements concerning financial market trends, are based on current market conditions, which will fluctuate and may be superseded by subsequent market events or for other reasons. Manulife Investment Management disclaims any responsibility to update such information.

Neither Manulife Investment Management or its affiliates, nor any of their directors, officers or employees shall assume any liability or responsibility for any direct or indirect loss or damage or any other consequence of any person acting or not acting in reliance on the information contained here. All overviews and commentary are intended to be general in nature and for current interest. While helpful, these overviews are no substitute for professional tax, investment or legal advice. Clients should seek professional advice for their particular situation. Neither Manulife, Manulife Investment Management, nor any of their affiliates or representatives is providing tax, investment or legal advice.  This material was prepared solely for informational purposes, does not constitute a recommendation, professional advice, an offer or an invitation by or on behalf of Manulife Investment Management to any person to buy or sell any security or adopt any investment strategy, and is no indication of trading intent in any fund or account managed by Manulife Investment Management. No investment strategy or risk management technique can guarantee returns or eliminate risk in any market environment. Diversification or asset allocation does not guarantee a profit or protect against the risk of loss in any market. Unless otherwise specified, all data is sourced from Manulife Investment Management. Past performance does not guarantee future results.

Manulife Investment Management

Manulife Investment Management is the global wealth and asset management segment of Manulife Financial Corporation. We draw on more than a century of financial stewardship to partner with clients across our institutional, retail, and retirement businesses globally. Our specialist approach to money management includes the highly differentiated strategies of our fixed-income, specialized equity, multi-asset solutions, and private markets teams—along with access to specialized, unaffiliated asset managers from around the world through our multimanager model.

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Manulife Private Wealth

Manulife Private Wealth

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